As gifts from God, your children are special to us at Cornerstone.
Welcome to Kids Ministry
As an effort to partner with families in growing our children's faith in God's love for them, Cornerstone provides several preschool and kid's ministries in the Kid's Command Center (Building C).

Sundays 9:15 AM
On Sundays 9:15 AM–10:15 AM, Kids are invited to our preschool ministry (3month–PreK3) and our PreK4–fifth grade classes.

Sundays 10:30 AM
On Sundays 10:30 AM, children under Pre-K4 are invited to our Preschool ministry and Pre-K4 to third grade children are invited to a children’s worship celebration.
Not Ready?
For those families that prefer keeping their children with them in the worship center on Sunday mornings, Cornerstone provides Kids worship bags with children's activity worship bulletins designed to go along with the pastor's sermon.
So, help yourself to a Kid's Worship bag on your way into the worship center (Building A).